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Implementing Core Value AKHLAK: HARMONIS, Telkomsigma Intensifies Wellbeing Activities
19 December 2024 - by Admin

Serpong – Telkomsigma held an online socialization session on Telkom Employee Wellbeing via the Microsoft Teams platform on Friday, (12/6). This session aimed to provide understanding and guidelines to all Culture Management members about the importance of implementing a wellbeing program in the workplace.

The socialization focused not only on the physical and intellectual well-being of employees who support professional activities but also on aligning various aspects of their lives. The goal is to promote the overall health, well-being, and comfort of employees, creating a conducive environment for optimal work performance. The program emphasizes creating conditions that are comfortable, healthy, prosperous, and happy for all employees.

Telkom Employee Wellbeing integrates four dimensions of work-life harmony: spiritual exercise, emotional exercise, rational exercise, and physical activity. It also includes seven dimensions of Employee Wellbeing: physical, mental, environmental, intellectual, financial, spiritual, and social well-being.

The program encourages Telsigers to actively participate in various wellbeing initiatives and report their progress through the Diarium platform. Through this active participation, it is hoped that the wellbeing program will reach every employee and contribute to a healthier and more productive work environment within the Telkomsigma Group.

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